Business Continuity Network and Compliance and Risk Network

Get involved in the University's Business Continuity Network (BCN) and Compliance and Risk Network (CRN)

All colleagues across the University working in business continuity, risk management, and compliance are invited to join the BCN and/or CRN.

The aim of the BCN is to create opportunities to come together and support each other with sharing best practices. The monthly meetings spread awareness and horizon scanning for potential threats to business-as-usual, as well as provide updates and news. The CRN shares a similar aim with providing termly opportunities for colleagues to come together to share knowledge, best practices and different approaches to risk management and compliance. 

By bringing together people that are in similar roles with aspects of business continuity, risk management, or compliance, we can learn from each other, support each other, and share knowledge. Further details can be found in the tabs below.

We continue to welcome input in shaping our networks to better support colleagues across the collegiate University. For any suggestions, please get in touch (see contact details down the right-hand side). 

Business Continuity Network

Monthly update meetings take place on the first Wednesday between 9-9:30am.

  • These meetings provide updates on the latest horizon scanning for potential threats, along with important news i.e. the roll out of the SafeZone Mass Alert System, potential disruptions or incidents, and upcoming events. 

To join the network's Team Channel and SharePoint please request access via this link. We will then provide you with a Monthly Update meeting invite. However, for any queries or to request an invite, please get in touch with Isabelle Coy-Dibley.

Business Continuity Plan Clinics

In 2024, we launched the Business Continuity Plan Clinics to provide guidance and support to colleagues across the University who are involved in creating business continuity plans.

These run via Teams on Thursdays between 2-4pm. Please book an appointment here: BCP Clinics

Compliance and Risk Network

The Compliance and Risk Network meet termly with the following dates planned for 2024/25:

  • MT, Tuesday, 26th of November, 9-11am
  • HT, Tuesday, 4th of March, 9-11am
  • TT, Tuesday, 10th of June, 9-11am

These meetings focus on particular themes or topics of interest and provide the opportunity for networking, sharing best practices, and querying processes and approaches. We are also looking for members to join our steering group to help shape the network. If you'd be interested in joining, please contact Niamh Young via

To join the Compliance and Risk Network's Team Channel and SharePoint, please request access via this link.

Get in touch

Business Continuity Network (BCN): For queries, updates, and scheduled events information, please contact Head of Risk and Resilience, Neil Unsworth, or the Risk & Resilience Support Officer, Isabelle Coy-Dibley

Compliance and Risk Network (CRN): For queries, updates, and scheduled events information, please contact us via