We use your data for a number of purposes connected with your studies, including, but not limited, to the provision of:
- outreach activities, including registering and determining eligibility;
- monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of our sessions, outreach programmes, admissions and the student experience;
- producing statistics, including event application and participation numbers, and participant outcomes;
- tracking future outcomes of event participants, including applications to the University and other Higher Education Institutions;
- welfare and pastoral support including ensuring the health and safety of students, staff and others;
- financial support; and
- research related administration to support our equality responsibilities, quality assurance and planning processes.
If you have supplied personal information for the purpose of an outreach activity organised by the University of Oxford (“the University”) and/ or its Colleges, we may add some of your data to the Higher Education Access Tracker database (HEAT www.heat.ac.uk), which we use to record information about our outreach activities and those who take part in them. HEAT is a shared database used by a variety of organisations to identify which activities are most helpful in preparing students for higher education and progressing to employment. Users include the University, its colleges, student organisations, educational charities and relevant public bodies (e.g. UCAS). The data added to HEAT comprises your personal details (name, gender, date of birth, postcode and school) and the events or activities in which you have engaged with. You can read further details about how your data on HEAT is used here: https://heat.ac.uk/privacy-notice/
We set out below those circumstances where it is necessary for us to use your data. (These circumstances are not mutually exclusive; we may use the same information under more than one heading.)
F1. Where it is necessary to meet a task in the public interest
We will use your data to process your application and/or register you as a participant in an outreach event or activity.
Using your data is necessary for tasks that we carry out in the public interest (promoting and widening access to Higher Education) and to meet our legitimate interests in promoting applications to the University from under-represented groups.
Information processed under this heading includes, but is not limited to, the data listed in Section D.
F2. Where we need to comply with a legal obligation
Information processed for this purpose includes, but is not limited to, information relating to the monitoring of equal opportunities and information provided to regulatory bodies including the Office for Students.
F3. Where it is necessary to meet our legitimate interests
We need to process your data in order to meet our legitimate interests in promoting applications to the university. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
- in order to meet our legitimate interests in safeguarding and welfare of participants and any associated staff and facilitating the efficient operation of our activities.
- we may use email addresses to send information about outreach opportunities, and other university-related activities that may be of interest to you;
F4. Where we have your consent
There may be situations where we ask for your consent to process your data, e.g. where we ask you to volunteer information about yourself for a survey or where we ask for your permission to share sensitive information. We will also seek your consent:
- when providing a Release Form to utilise any audio-visual content in our own materials;
- to send university marketing information that may be of interest to you;
- to meet any requirements (accommodation, dietary, religious practices).
We only process your data for this purpose when you have given us your consent to do so.
Change of purpose
We will only process your personal data for the purposes for which we collected it, unless we reasonably consider that we need to use it for another related reason, and that reason is compatible with the original purpose. If we need to use your data for an unrelated purpose, we will seek your consent to use it for that new purpose.
Please note that we may process your data without your knowledge or consent, where this is required or permitted by law.